Just a quick reminder for tonight's meeting at 7:00 PM. Please join us in making pillowcases for the charity ConkerrCancer. See the previous post (Happy New Year 2015) for details.
Also, bring your BOM, charity block, and your show and tell too. Looking forward to seeing you there! Bring a friend!
From our November 2015 Presentation and Book Signing with Jessica Alexandrakis. She shared some great stories and had some beautiful quilts which
documented her journey of modern quilting. Below are some photos from
the meeting.
As we wind down from the holiday hustle and bustle, visits with good friends and family, and our abundant food feasts, we often set some resolutions for the new year. So I ask all of you, do you have any quilting goals for 2015? Complete a project, start a new one, try a new skill? Or maybe donate some of your time and skills to helping others?
Please check the fabric requirements and bring all necessary supplies to the meeting including cutting board, iron, your machine, and an extension cord. Please note the fabric does NOT have to be for children, bring any fabric you like! If you have time to cut the fabric prior to the meeting, that would speed things up!
Also, bring your BOM, charity block, and your show and tell too. Looking forward to seeing you there! Bring a friend!