Summer is almost over....
The summer is almost over, just a few days left before the fall season starts and we get into a new schedule. Your fall schedule could mean kids going back to school or you going back to school. For me it means more quilting time! I am ready to head into my quilting "studio", aka basement, and start on some new fall/winter projects. I really would like to make a few quilts to give away as holiday presents this year. My sister has reminded me that she is in need of a quilt! So adding some quilt time into my fall schedule is a must. What will you be adding to your fall schedule? How about LIMGQ meetings!
Fall also means back to Modern Quilt Guild meetings. We are starting off our fall schedule on a new day and at a new venue. We are very excited to have our meetings at the
Art League of LI in Dix Hills. Here is the address:
107 E Deer Park Rd, Dix Hill. The meeting starts @ 7:30 and runs til 9:30.
The board has meet several times over the summer to plan interesting programs for this year's meetings. I encourage all past member to give LIMQG a try again. I think you will like our new meeting venue and the changes that the board has implemented through various themes, challenges and programing.
Check us out on Social Media:
Facebook and
#LIMQG on Instagram!
Mark your calendars with the 2016-17 Meeting Dates:
- September 21
- October 19
- November 16
- December 21
- January 18
- February 15
- March 15
- April 19
- May 17
- June 21
September Meeting Theme:
This year our monthly meetings will have a theme. Our monthly discussions, projects and challenges will reflect the monthly theme. For example, September's theme is:
Modern Fabrics and Designers. We will talk about what makes fabric modern and discuss some modern designers. We are looking forward to what you think modern fabrics are and how you can use non-modern fabrics in a modern way.
The Great Modern Fabric Trade
This months
activity will involve trading your "modern" fabrics with other members. Please bring in a few fat eighths (9"x20") of modern fabric from your stash to trade with other members.
RAFFLES are back
We will continue the raffles this year as well as bring back a monthly door prize. Everyone will earn a ticket for the door prize by attending the meeting. You can "earn" extra tickets throughout the meeting by participating in Show and Share as well as completing the challenge
for that month. We will talk more about this at the September's meeting.
The regular raffle basket will be made up of de-stash items from EVERYONE.
So take a few minutes and go through your quilting space/studio and bring in a few items that you can contribute to the raffle baskets.
Medallion Swap Challenge
This year we are replacing the "Block of the Month" program with "Challenges" for you to participate in each month. I have added a page to this blog entitled:
Challenges 2016-17. Its located near the top of this blog page on the Menu bar. Check the
Challenge Page each month for information on up coming monthly challenges.
September's Challenge is the Round Robin Medallion Swap. Members who chose to participate, exchanged center medallions during the June 2016 meeting. Over the summer the challenge was to add a 10" border, making the medallion grow an extra 20" in length and width. So don't forget to bring in your Medallions for the September meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please drop off your medallion at
Pieceful Quilting in East Northport.
They have generously agreed to be a drop off point.
- September 21, Art League of LI @ 7:30
- Bring a couple of "modern" fat eighth's to trade
- Bring in first round of Medallion Swap (or drop off at Pieceful Quilting)
- Bring in De-Stash item