Election Results
LIMQG held elections for two open board positions: Vice President and Treasurer.
Congratulations to our new Vice President Mario Mulea and our new Treasurer Amy Abrie.
We would like to thank Elise SansSouci for the dedication and hard work this past year as Treasurer!
Award Winning Quilt
LIMQG would like to congratulate Susan Cohen-Pessah for her NACQJ AWARD (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) she received for her quilt entitled PG-13 at the Smithtown Stitchers Quilt Show in April 2017. Susan named her quilt PG-13 because she first saw someone wearing a purple and green color combination when she was 13 years old.
Quite a few members brought in their Interleave mini quilt projects, in various stages of completion!
Thank you Lorraine for teaching us how to create an Interleave mini quilt!!
Maureen displayed a quilt project she made that was inspired by the Empire Quilt Quild's Jade and Coral challenge.
Julie was busy making beautifully embellished eye glass cases:
Susan put together a quilt top from "snippets" of fabric that Judy had given her. Susan proved that small fragments of fabric can be put together to form larger quilt. Well done.

Lorraine put together blocks made from Cherrywoood hand dyed fabrics to make this beautiful quilt.

Improv With Intent... Kim Smith Soper
Kim Smith Soper of Leland Ave Studios, gave a lecture and demonstration on improvisational piecing with intention. She describes what Improv with Intent is to her compared to just Improvisational Piecing. When you make a quilt using Improvisational piecing techniques, you have freedom. Freedom from rulers, freedom from pattern and design. Freedom from expectations. You cut the fabric, sew it together and repeat until you create a quilt you like.
Making a quilt using Improv With Intent uses the same techniques as improv but the quilter maker has an image, idea or design in mind before piecing, cutting and sewing pieces together.
Kim created her award winning quilt "Lincoln" from an image as her inspiration. She took the image and drew a grid over it. The squares within this grid became her quilt blocks. Then she chose her fabrics, cut them up, sewed them together to create the block. She did not use applique, paper piecing or patterns. Total Improv With Intent!
Check out Kim's blog obtain more info how she created Lincoln:
Mini workshop
Kim handed out two images for us to chose from. The first image was the one she used to create Lincoln, the other was an image of Donald Trump. She drew the grid on the images for us. She instructed us to choose a block within the grid, choose fabric, cut it up and "piece" together until it resembles the block you have chosen. Sounded easy enough...but it wasn't! We were excited to tryout the technique.

Upcoming Events
- June 21: June Monthly Meeting featuring Jessica Levitt: instagram
- Jessica is a fabric & pattern designer as well as an author. Lecture and Trunk Show. Cost is $ 5 per member
- Bring in your Medallion Quilt tops to donated to NJ Quilt Guild
- July 16: Denyse Schmidt Work Shop
- check out past blog for details: Denyse Schmidt Workshop Details
- 3 Spots still available. email: contactlimqg@gmail.com to sign up
- September 16: Quilters Take Manhattan
- Click here for details: QTM
- Jessica is a fabric & pattern designer as well as an author. Lecture and Trunk Show. Cost is $ 5 per member
- Bring in your Medallion Quilt tops to donated to NJ Quilt Guild
- check out past blog for details: Denyse Schmidt Workshop Details
- 3 Spots still available. email: contactlimqg@gmail.com to sign up
- Click here for details: QTM