As you may know, the Orlando MQG has put together a drive for quilt blocks or quilts, which will be assembled and donated to the survivors, victims' families, and emergency workers that helped during the awful tragedy at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. As quilters, making quilts is one way we can reach out to comfort people and a way to help when we're so far away.
On Wednesday, July 27th from 6:30-9pm, LIMOD will be hosting a Sew-In at the Knights of Columbus in East Northport (9 Hewitt Square, #A). We will be making blocks and putting quilt tops together during the Sew-In, and then sending finished quilts to Alissa Lapinsky, President of the Orlando MQG. Even if you wont be attending the Sew-In, you can contribute by bringing finished blocks to Mary Crisafulli at Pieceful Quilting prior to July 27th.
We are asking for 10" heart blocks in rainbow colors from Cluck Cluck Sew's Heart tutorial to help organize assembly of quilts the night of the Sew-In.
If you would like to help us sew Quilts for Pulse, please RSVP to Kim at contactLIMOD@gmail.com. We welcome all current and former members to help, and encourage you to bring a friend! Cost to attend is $5/person.
Alissa's post with more details can be found at:
The MQG post (with links to block tutorials and a sign up if you will be sending in your own blocks or quilt) can be found here: https://themodernquiltguild.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/quiltsforpulse-charity-drive-with-the-orlando-mqg/
We are looking for people to help with quilting and binding once we have tops together. Please email Kim at contactLIMOD@gmail.com to sign up for that, too!
Thank you to all that contribute! And we hope to see you on the 27th!
All of us at LIMOD